Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Helena cemetery - General Hindman

The other general from Helena of some importance was Major General Thomas Hindman. He was a captain in the Mexican War, served in Congress on the eve of the Civil War and as a general throughout the war.

He was a friend of Cleburne and the two got into many politically motivated brawls in Helena before the war. Hindman's enemies would start a fight with him and Cleburne would often be there to defend his friend.

Hindman saw service at Shiloh, Prairie Grove, Chickamauga and through the Atlanta campign. After the war he fled to Mexico but returned in 1867. On September 27, 1868 he was assassinated, most likely from an old political grudge but the murderer was never caught. He lived 8 hours after he was shot during which time he forgave all his old enemies including whoever had just shot him.

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