Friday, July 4, 2008

Hildebrand's Brigade

This brigade was encamped with its right, the Seventy-seventh Ohio, at Shiloh Church; its left, the Fifty-third Ohio, near the Rhea House and separated from the Fifty-seventh Ohio by a small stream with marshy margins. About 7 a.m. April 6, 1862, the brigade to meet the attack of the enemy, the Fifty-seventh and Seventy-seventh in advance of their camps in the valley of Shiloh Branch. The Fifty-third, being threatened by an attack in left flank, formed its line perpendicular to the left of its camp. While in position the brigade was attacked from the front by Cleburne's and Wood's brigades. This attack, falling upon the exposed flank of the Fifty-third, compelled it to change front to the rear on left company and form a mew line in rear of its camp. Attacked in this position, the regiment fell back disorganized, passing to the rear around the flank of the Forty-ninth Illinois, eight companies going to the Landing at once, two companies under the adjutant, E. C. Dawes, joining the Seventeenth Illinois. The eight companies were reformed near the Landing by the major and supported Bouton's battery in McClernand's seventh line, and on Monday advanced with Marsh's command. The Fifty-seventh and Seventy-seventh were reinforced by Raith's brigade of the First Division and held their position for some time, when they, too, fell back disorganized and were not again in line as regiments. Colonel Hildebrand acted as aid for General McClernand during Sunday.

The above is from Reed's history of the battle. Hildebrand left no official report and I cannot currently find a picture of him.

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