The focus of posts will be my Civil War travels with a healthy dose of Shiloh related research.
Friday, August 27, 2010
11th Illinois Cavalry
Fred Graham (C)[2], Thomas J Lucas (C)[3], First Lieutenant Richard Burns (F)[4], Alexander James Sparks (F)[5], James Walker (F)[6] and Harvey Phelps (M)[7].
Ashel Bumas (E)[8]
[2] Killed at Shiloh, Apr 6, 1862
[3] Killed at Shiloh, Apr 6, 1862
[4] Killed in battle of Shiloh, Apr 1862
[5] Killed at Shiloh, Apr 6, 1862
[6] Died May 15, 1862; wounds
[7] Killed at Shiloh, Apr 19, 1862
[8] Disch, Apr 11, 1862; disabil
Thursday, August 26, 2010
2nd Illinois Cavalry
Symposium only six weeks away
In any case this is going to be a wonderful event that I'm glad to be attending. Although I work at every event (some more than others) I go to hear the speakers. Each year has had quite a good group, and this year is no exception. This year the theme is the making of Ulysses S. Grant as a commander.
There need to be a few battle themed presentations to show the growth of Grant and some of the obstacles he faced. The two battles picked were Shiloh and Vicksburg. Shiloh because it is really Grant's first major battle. Not disrespecting Fort Donelson but Shiloh is a much bigger battle. Vicksburg shows Grant overcoming many obstacles and growing as a leader to achieve one of the more important victories of the war. In my mind the top Shiloh authors are James Lee McDonough, Tim Smith, Larry Daniel and Wiley Sword. There are others of course but if we're looking to secure a major Shiloh historian these are the four I think of first. McDonough and Smith have spoken at previous symposiums and Sword will join them this year. Shiloh is my main interest so having had the opportunity to hear from three of the top Shiloh historians over the past few years is a real treat and hopefully we'll be able to get Daniels out in the future.
A large number of prominent historians have explored Vicksburg, especially recently it seems like Vicksburg is getting its due more and more. I'm excited that John Marszalek will cover this campaign for the symposium. I know Marszalek from his Sherman work but he is also now the Executive Director and Managing Editor of the Ulysses S. Grant Association, taking the reins after the departure of John Y. Simon. I'm sure his intimate access to Grant's papers will allow him to bring a unique perspective on Grant's handling of the campaign. Also Grant's papers have now been put online which is a fabulous researching tool.
Then its important to discuss Grant's work as general-in-chief. The two battle presentations have shown his growth as a commander so its only logical to have a presentation that covers the final year of the war when Grant had an impact on the entire war effort. Gordon C. Rhea seems like a great fit for this as his books covering the the 1864 Virginia Overland campaign are an incredible series, and Grant's impact is covered in each one. I'm not sure who better could fill this role.
At each symposium we have a presentation that doesn't follow the normal pace of battles. At the first event covering the Western Theater through Stones River it was a biography of Alexander Stewart, done by Sam Davis Elliott. Last year the theme was Lee's two Northern invasions and the extra presentation covered the differing methods of preservation utilized at Antietam and Gettysburg, by Tim Smith. This year the extra talk will be about the relationship between Grant and Rawlins by Peter Cozzens, another top notch Western theater historian.
Finally there needs to be an overview of Grant. There are a ton of biographers to pick from but my personal favorite is Brooks Simpson. One of my favorite books is his "Let Us Have Peace" which covers Grant's understanding of the politics of war. It changed my view of Grant as a commander and put me well onto the path that Grant's genius had more to do with winning the war than it being simply a matter of numbers. The first stories many of us read make it out that the Confederacy generally had better generals but that they lost due to the quantity of men the North could muster into service. Now I know that the Union was equal in quality as well, just suffered early in the war when its lesser talented generals faced the best the Confederacy had to offer (think Lee versus Pope at Second Manassas or Jackson in the Valley).
So the final panel consists of Brooks Simpson, Peter Cozzens, Wiley Sword, John Marszalek, and Gordon Rhea. Any one of them individually would be enough to entice me to attend the symposium, but having them all at one event makes this year a must see event (though to be fair there has not been one presentation previously that I did not want to see).
The day will end with a panel discussion and time for books to be signed. As always there will be a book room with a ton of good books and deals. I'll have a blog post showing all of the great books in a week or so. I saw the list the other day and was impressed with the variety of books. There is only one so far I want to get but that's because I already own every other book that will be there.
Tickets will be $50 again, which also includes a continental breakfast and lunch. Click here to order your tickets today. Tickets are selling at double the pace of last year. We're in a pretty big auditorium so I don't anticipate it being a sold out event but you should order your tickets today so that you do not run that risk.
If you have any questions please contact us at RockyMtnCWRT at aol dot com.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
4th Illinois Cavalry
Corporal Charles B Danforth (K)[2].
[1] Company B also known as Carmichael's Cavalry Company. Company C also known as Dollin's Cavalry Company. In April 1862, 7 men of this regiment died and another 35 were discharged due to disability. None of these men is listed as having been wounded so it is impossible to state which men were discharged for wounds received at Shiloh, if any.
[2] Died at Mound City, Apr 12, 1862; wounds
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Stewart's Independent Illinois Cavalry Battalion
James N. Weer (C)[2]
Augustus W. Stewart (C)[3], Robert G. Wier (C)[4],
[1] Stewart's Independent Cavalry Battalion later became companies A-F of the 15th Illinois Cavalry Regiment. Those six companies had all started out as independent cavalry companies and at the time of Shiloh they were still referred to by their independent designation. The companies which later became Stewart's Battalion were Stewart's, Carmichael's, Dollin's, O'Harnett's and Gilbert's. This info taken from the 15th Illinois Cavalry's roster and company letters are in reference to that organization.
[2] Died at Paducah, Ky., Apr 26, 1862
[3] Discharged, Apr 17, 1862; wounds
[4] Disch. Apr 17, 1862; wounds
Monday, August 23, 2010
2nd Indiana Cavalry
Brusker (L) and Corporal Miller (H).
one private, name unknown, from company K
[1] Reports of Officers in Relation to a Recent Battle at Pittsburg Landing. Millwood, NY: Kraus Reprint, 1977. Originally published as U.S. 37th Congress, 2nd session, 1861-1862. Senate. Executive Documents Printed by Order of the Senate of the United States for the Second Session of the Thirty-Seventh Congress, 1861-62. 6 vols. Washington D.C., 1861. p 195. This regiment was not engaged at Shiloh except for men detailed as orderlies in the Army of the Ohio.
Friday, August 20, 2010
18th Wisconsin Infantry
Killed or Died of Wounds:[2]
Colonel James S. Alban, Major Josiah W. Crane, Marshall Caffeen (A), Corporal Marcenus Gurnee (A), Thomas Leeman (A), Cephus A. Whitmore (A), Hiram E. Bailey (B), William Spencer (B), Samuel Fish (C), William Kettle (C), Norris W. Saxton (C), Samuel Sager (C), George Hicks (D), Milton M. Stewart (D), Reuben Edminster (E), George W. Evans (E), Corporal John E. Field (E), Isaac Levisee (E), Clifton G. Merrill (E), Otis A Cotton (F), Ambrose Felton (F)[3], Henry I. Jenkins (F), Robert McWilliams (F), Hartley Onderdonk (F), Captain John H. Compton (G), A. M. Coon (G), Edward B. Ballou (H), Joseph H. Garlap (H), Eugene Gay (H), Solomon Mansfield (H), Clark P. Walker (H), Morris C. Cook (I), Sergeant Rensler Cronk (I), Alfred Q. Edson (I), George W. Hillman (I), Corporal Thomas Laskey (I), John Louth (I), Benjamin W. Shaver (I), John Topp (I) and Jefferson Kingsley (I)[4].
Lieutenant Colonel Beal, Acting Adjutant Edward Coleman, D. C. Bailey (A), Richard H. Heart (A), Leander Depuy (A), Ludwig Hulzer (A), J. Kocher (A), Alf. Losey (A), O.R. Norris (A), Lieutenant Thomas J. Potter (A), G. W. Sparks (A), Corporal C. C. Whitney (A), E. Combs (B), F.M. Bailey (B), Philip Singer (C)[6], H. Clary (C)[7], W.W. Dikeman (C), John Kickpatrick (C), Hiram Moody (C)[8], Pattrick Moody (C)[9], Laughlin Quinn (C)[10], Benjamin F. Rants (C), J.J. Swain (C), Augustus Singer (C)[11], Henry Beach (D), Ephraim Croker (D), Andrew Elickson (D)[12], John Gary (D), Ezra Hankabout (D), John D. Jewell (D), Charles Molla (D), C. N. Sprout (D), Thomas Stevenson (D)[13], Corporal John Williams (D)[14], Hugh C. Wilson (D), Captain William Bremmer (E), Corporal Orrin Clough (E), John Harris (E), S.R. Hayner (E), Ed. L. Kent (E), John Kinney (E), George S. Martin Jr. (E), William H. Sherwin (E), Albert Taylor (E), Lieutenant George Walbridge (E), Walter Whittiker (E), George Durr (F), Ambrose Felton (F), George Gould (F), Homer K. Nichols (F)[15], Eli R. Northam (F), James W. Samphier (F), James M. Stanton (F)[16], Napoleon Whitman (F), D.M. Wilson (F), Joseph Bullock (G), John S. Eaton (G), Edward Durkee (G), A.G. Loomis (G), Stephen H. Snyder (G)[17], Sameul Bixby (H), John Cary (H)[18], E.T. Chamberlain (H), B.W. Coates (H), F. Decell (H), Abram Devore (H), Gideon F. Devore (H), A.F. Dowd (H), Sergeant Albert Gates (H), John C. Horton (H), Zadock K. Mallory (H), Edwin Potts (H), Lieutenant S.D. Woodworth (H)[19], Sergeant Samuel C. Alban (I), S. Bennett (I), Ferdinand Benta (I), Peter Calahan (I), Adrastus Cook (I), Cornelius Devere (I), George Dexter (I), Frederick Everson (I), William H. Ferguson (I), Oliver Gunderson (I), E.M. Haight (I), John N. James (I), S. Langdon (I), James Leitch (I), Duncan McCloud (I), W. Miller (I), S.W.M. Smith (I), Albert Turck (I), Ferdinando Councilman (K), William P. Green (K) and William Lowe (K).
James B Abbs (A), Sergeant James Alexander (A), Elisha Alexander (A), Henry Hale Coffeen (A), John Farrall (A), Perry A Hart (A), Joseph Holletz (A), Bryan Kelley (A), Theron Mack (A), Captain James P Millard (A), Charles F Scott (A), John H Shoemaker (A), Benjamin Smith (A), Adam Utting (A), Eli Wiggins (A), Herbert D Whitney (A), Mahlon I Bussy (B), Charles H Cottle (B), Michael HB Cunningham (B), John Davis (B), Sergeant Samuel S Frowe (B), Albert M Green (B), Hiram Hitchcock (B), First Lieutenant Thomas A Jackson (B), Andrew J Lucia (B), Redmond McGuire (B), Joseph L Show (B), Wilbur F Wilder (B), Hiram W Wright (B), Levi Allen (C)[21], Jospeh H Brightman (C)[22], Peter S Campbell (C), William Cleary (C), John S Dickson (C)[23], Sergeant Thomas Fretwell (C), Joseph E Gander (C), John S Gray (C), Gould Hickok (C)[24], John James (C), Captain Newton M Layne (C), William Loucks (C), James McClelland (C), Corporal Samuel McMichael (C), James B Merrill (C), John C Metcalf (C), Nelson Mills (C), Jasper N Powell (C), Laughlin Quinn (C)[25], John J Ross (C), George W Taylor (C), Orrin Tooker (C), Byron Carey (D), Sergeant Charles Clouse (D), Alexander Currier (D), Andrew Elickson (D)[26], First Sergeant Leroy H Farr (D), Captain George A Fisk (D), Select Freeman (D), Ziba Hoard (D), Joseph G Hunter (D), Anthony Lamb (D), James Osborn Sr. (D), James Osborn Jr. (D), William Robinson (D), Amisa Smith (D), Thomas Stevenson (D)[27], Sergeant Eri P Sweet (D), Stephen Tritten (D), Gilbert Tuttle (D), Corporal John Williams (D)[28], First Lieutenant Dewitt C Wilson (D), Thomas G Bacon (E), Joel S Beadle (E), John Berry (E), William G Blair (E), Sherwood W Butterfield (E), William W Campbell (E), Alfred Doolittle (E), George Drake (E), Samuel Drake (E), August Feist (E), Edward Hugo (E), Phillip Marx (E), Aaron L Rand (E), Truman Rice (E), Robert Richards (E), Adam J Spawn (E), Charles H Tucker (E), William Ward (E), Andrew J Welton (E), Aurora Dill (F), Ambrose Felton (F)[29], Gilbert Fish (F), Joseph S Frank (F), Adoniram J Frost (F), Mathias Hadt (F), Stephen Hartwell (F), Frederick Hartung (F), First Sergeant John N Hoaglin (F), John P Honeker (F), Ezra Hull (F), Levi Minckler (F), Homer K. Nichols (F)[30], Nathaniel A Osgood (F), John Pearson (F), Corydon F Rexford (F), Lewis Shiney (F), John Stever (F), Marshal H Tenney (F), Henry Todd (F), Richard Trexell (F), James Wolcott (F), Mitchell Arquett (G), Da Barker Jr. (G), Fayette Burgett (G), John Delaney (G), Joseph Gill (G), Corporal William Granger (G), Orville A Hall (G), Robert M Hill (G), Corporal Henry W Jackson (G), Anthony Jentesse (G), Maxime LeBreche (G), Edwin H McDougall (G), Dennis Murphy (G), Augustus Otto (G), John J Quick (G), Ole Thomason (G), Stephen H. Snyder (G)[31], Peter T Whitman (G), Dudley Wilcox (G), Henry H Bass (H), James Berry (H), Joseph C Blakeslee (H), John Cary (H)[32], Willett S Cottrill (H), John Devore (H), Stephen Field (H), Enoch Foster (H), Orlando J Halstin (H), Hugh Hannah (H), Jackson Henshaw (H), Daniel Leitch (H), Collin Leitch (H), Edward J Osborne (H), William Reed (H), Captain David H Saxton (H), Charles Sexton (H), Alvin M Smith (H), Charles Spencer (H), Charles Weller (H), Darwin B White (H), James A Winans (H), Lieutenant S.D. Woodworth (H)[33], Joseph M Brown (I), Allen Church (I), John Cook (I), Samuel Dale (I), First Lieutenant Ira H Ford (I), Jefferson Kingsley (I)[34], Peter Mead (I), Daniel E Newton (I), Ole Severson (I), Second Lieutenant Ogden A Southmayd (I), Evan H Williams (I), Jeremiah Baldock (K), Robert H Bold (K), Nathan Brazier (K), Hamilton Cummings (K), John Fallon (K), James Flynn (K), Jared SW Pardee (K), Corporal Willis T Sage (K), John QA Soper (K) and First Sergeant John Stumpf (K).
[1] This individual casualty report is derived from the Roster of Wisconsin Volunteers, Wisconsin Monument Commission Report and the 1865 Adjutant General’s Report. The pertinent pages of each are; Roster (Vol 2) pp. 83-101, Adjutant Report pp. 299-303 and Commission Report pp. 68-72. Additional notes from Nanzig, Thomas P, ed. The Badax Tigers: From Shiloh to the Surrender with the 18th Wisconsin Volunteers. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2002) pp 42-3.
[2] Killed and died of wounds list taken from commission report and checked against the roster and adjutant’s report.
[3] Roster says prisoner and died in Macon, GA.
[4] Roster says missing
[5] Wounded list taken from roster and commission report. No mention of wounded made in adjutant’s report.
[6] Only listed in Nanzig, The Badax Tigers.
[7] Not listed in Nanzig, The Badax Tigers.
[8] Not listed in Nanzig, The Badax Tigers.
[9] Not listed in Nanzig, The Badax Tigers.
[10] Roster says prisoner. Nanzig, The Badax Tigers says wounded.
[11] Not listed in Nanzig, The Badax Tigers.
[12] Also prisoner
[13] Roster says prisoner
[14] Also prisoner
[15] Also prisoner
[16] Roster says died of wounds.
[17] Roster says prisoner
[18] Roster says prisoner
[19] Roster says prisoner
[20] Prisoner list taken from roster. No mention of prisoners made in adjutant’s report or in commission report.
[21] Not listed in Nanzig, The Badax Tigers.
[22] Listed as a corporal in Nanzig, The Badax Tigers.
[23] Listed as a sergeant in Nanzig, The Badax Tigers.
[24] Listed as a corporal in Nanzig, The Badax Tigers.
[25] Roster says wounded. Not listed in Nanzig, The Badax Tigers.
[26] Also wounded
[27] Roster says wounded
[28] Also wounded
[29] Roster says wounded and died in Macon, GA.
[30] Also wounded
[31] Roster says wounded
[32] Roster says wounded
[33] Roster says wounded
[34] Roster says missing
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
16th Wisconsin Infantry
Killed or Died of Wounds:[2]
George M. Camp (A), John Crank (A)[3], Joshua Eldridge (A), Cyrus B Howe (A), John Lerch (A), Corporal James W Marshall (A)[4], James Patterson (A), Captain Edward Saxe (A), First Lieutenant Cooley Smith (A), William P Walbridge (A), Sergeant John H. Williams (A), Charles Dart (B)[5], Ever S Evenson (B), Corporal Timothy H. Morris (B), Henry Powers (B), Joseph C Quiner (B)[6], August W Filke (C)[7], Henry Holton (C), Malcolm McMillan (C), Garret O Post (C), Sergeant James P. Wilson (C), Milo Farrington (D), Harrison Fuller (D), Alfonso Harrington (D), Captain Oliver D Pease (D), Corporal William M. Taylor (D), August Wollem (D), Corporal Augustus Caldwell (E), Sergeant Joseph L. Holcomb (E)[8], Michael Kennedy (E)[9], Lewis E Knight (E)[10], Philo Perry (E)[11], Erwin Rider (E)[12], Samuel Smith (E), Henry L Thomas (E)[13], Sergeant Almon Webster (E), Color Sergeant John P. Willis (E)[14], Jonathan Bennett (F), Harrison E Carey (F), Hiram Huggins (F), Samuel Long (F), John McNown (F), Anthony Morse (F), Franklin Prevey (F), Lyman Stilson (F), William Archer (G), Corporal Noah Barnum (G), Lewis R Belknapp (G), Oliver H Browning (G), Charles H Francisco (G)[15], John L Henegan (G), Charles Mauck (G), Corporal James V. Walker (G), Sergeant Henry Babcock (H), John Blair (H), George H Haskins (H), Orville Herrick (H), Charles Hodge (H), Richard Leigh (H), George Lincoln (H), Corporal George J Rashaw (H), Livius Raymond (H), George Skeels (H), Sergeant Asa D Thompson (H), William Austin (I), George Bucchill (I), Alonzo Clifford (I), Harrison C Howard (I), Corporal John C Long (I), John Solomon (I), Corporal William V Turck (I), First Lieutenant Charles H Vail (I), Morgan F Wooding (I), William A Clark (K), Corporal Ephraim Cooper (K), John Hennesey (K), Corporal Samuel Gunther (K), Thomas Manning (K), John Murphy (K), Stoel A Tousley (K), William H Tousley (K) and Corporal Orlando J Valentine (K).
Colonel Benjamin Allen, Lieutenant Colonel Cassius Fairchild, Reuben Billings (A), Peter Bird (A), James O Champlin (A), George Cronk (A)[17], Luman Hall (A), Bodine Hawley (A)[18], James H Kellogg (A), John Michaels (A), Peter Nelson (A), John A Smith (A), Thomas T Warren (A), Newton Whitman (A), Joab Brobst (B), Horace Chapin (B), Peter W Cross (B), Ezra M Ellis (B), Hiram F Hanes (B), Corporal Albert A Hoskin (B), Jacob Jargenson (B), Henry Nancarson (B), First Sergeant Eber G Wheeler (B), Henry CM Gould (C), Frederick Grobman (C), Joseph W Hampton (C), Second Lieutenant Paschal M Hovey (C), William J Kruschke (C), Max Mertz (C), Captain Horace D Patch (C), Corporal Frederick Rex (C), William H Stevens (C), Corporal Henry A Turner (C), John S Bean (D), Alvin W Cook (D), Dennis Delanty (D), Joseph Edwards (D), Josiah W Fields (D), Herman Gerecke (D), William Hamilton (D), James M Lyons (D), Newton R Towsley (D), Oscar R Bronson (E), Jesse Crouch (E), Hosea Hugoboom (E), Henry Lininger (E), James McPheeters (E), Daniel O Miltimore (E), Aaron Newcomb (E), Corporal Robert D Sparks (E), Perry R Stivers (E), Franklin Stowell (E), William O Bassett (F), Corporal Stephen Bailey (F), George Birdsill (F), Ebenezer Bowker (F), Francis E Brink (F), Lorenzo Claflin (F), Sergeant Erastus A Devan (F), John Duckworth (F), Archibald McCall (F), John McIntire (F), Corporal Joseph McMurtry (F), Samuel Monroe (F), Charles Moore (F), Ole Nielson (F), Sergeant Edwin W Persons (F), Samuel C Plummer (F), Corporal George Speed (F), Julius Thatcher (F), Captain Harrison V Train (F), Edward Trumble (F), Corporal William HH Beebe (G), Sergeant Andrew Chambers (G), Sanders Cochrane (G), Sergeant James Crawford (G), John D Francisco (G), Peter L Francisco (G), Sergeant John M Jones (G), Corporal Jackson P Long (G), Ashabel Loomis (G), David B McCourtie (G), Thomas McGillin (G), First Sergeant Michael E O’Connell (G), George O’Dell (G), John T Pearsons (G), George W Ritter (G), Corporal James Smith (G), William Smith (G), John Tomlinson (G), John B VanVleck (G), Captain John R Wheeler (G), Hiram Bell (H), Levi S Bennett (H), Charles Bump (H), David Collier (H), Sergeant David W Dalrymple (H), Charles Doolittle (H), John W Haskins (H), John Lamb (H), William H Rice (H), Leander Roberts (H), Robert W Sanders (H), William Suring (H), Corporal Hezekiah White (H), Frank E Wicks (H), Edgar Wood (H), Frederick A Cherry (I), Philip H Dunphy (I), Jacob Fawsett (I), Charles S French (I), Henry C Hall (I), Michael Hassley (I), Frederick S Haughawout (I), August Link (I), George Long (I), George W Pease (I), Thomas Pendergrass (I), Lemuel Phelps (I), Second Lieutenant David G Purman (I), Morgan J Smith (I), Sergeant William HH Townsend (I), Edward D Bradford (K), John Clark (K), Anthony Collins (K), First Sergeant John L Derickson (K), Robert H Ingersoll (K), Gregory Janish (K), Elijah D King (K)[19], Lars Nelson (K), Edward M O’Neil (K)[20], James Reeves (K), Selby Trumbell (K)[21], Second Lieutenant David F Vail (K), Benjamin F Walker (K), Corporal Thomas Wildman (K) and Captain George C. Williams (K)[22] and Corporal Geo. W. Hedding (K)[23], Wm. Cooper (K)[24], Cornelius Murphy (K)[25],
George Cronk (A)[27], Bodine Hawley (A)[28], Aaron D Hollenbeck (A), Aaron Hollenbeck (B), Max Mertz (C), Jonathan Ellsworth (F), Freeman Pearsoll (F) and Benjamin L Dean (H)[29].
Missing in Action:[30]
Joseph Dexter (B), Jesse Hills (B), Lewis Fleischbin (D), Chester W Haskins (D), Lewis Pettit (E)[31], John A Ferguson (F), James Rands (G), Willaim B Parks (H), George M Porter (H), Mills Redfield (H) and John Weigle (I).
[1] This individual casualty report is derived from the Roster of Wisconsin Volunteers, Wisconsin Monument Commission Report and the 1865 Adjutant General’s Report. The pertinent pages of each are; Roster (Vol 2) pp. 1-48, Adjutant Report pp. 273-281 and Commission Report pp. 45-7. Some Company G information found on, accessed March 6, 2001. Some Company K information found on, accessed August 20, 2004. This Ozaukee website was a reprint from The Port Washington Star, by Daniel E. McGinley, first printed July 11, 1896.
[2] Killed and died of wounds list taken from commission report and checked against the roster and adjutant’s report.
[3] Commission says died of wounds. Adjutant and roster say died of disease.
[4] Died while a prisoner. Not clear if he died of wounds or disease.
[5] Adjutant says died of disease. Roster and commission says died of wounds.
[6] Headstone in Shiloh cemetery says Joseph C. Quinn.
[7] Adjutant says died of disease. Roster and commission says died of wounds.
[8] Member of color guard.
[9] Wounded and captured. Died of wounds while a prisoner.
[10] Member of color guard.
[11] Member of color guard.
[12] Member of color guard.
[13] Member of color guard.
[14] Member of color guard.
[15] Adjutant and commission say killed in action. Roster says given disability discharge on October 29, 1862. Website,, says killed. Is buried in the Shiloh cemetery so while that only confirms that he died it does not confirm that he was killed in the battle. It is possible that shortly after his discharge he died and was then buried in the Shiloh cemetery.
[16] Wounded list taken from roster. No mention of wounded made in adjutant’s report or in commission report.
[17] Also listed as captured.
[18] Also listed as captured.
[19] Ozaukee newspaper says mortally wounded.
[20] Ozaukee newspaper says mortally wounded.
[21] Ozaukee newspaper says corporal.
[22] Colonel Allen is only one to mention Williams' wounding. The Roster only says that he was enlisted, commissioned and resigned. Letter from Colonel Allen to August Gaylord, dated May 6, 1862.
[23] Ozaukee newspaper says wounded.
[24] Ozaukee newspaper says wounded.
[25] Ozaukee newspaper says wounded.
[26] Prisoner list taken from roster. No mention of prisoners made in adjutant’s report or in commission report.
[27] Also listed as wounded.
[28] Also listed as wounded.
[29] Died while a prisoner
[30] Missing list taken from commission report and checked against roster. No mention of missing made in adjutant’s report. Letter from Colonel Allen to August Gaylord, dated May 6, 1862. Allen writes, "Of the missing, some have been heard from by other regiments saying that they had buried some of them. They knew them by the number on their caps and buttons on their coats."
[31] Louis Pettis of company D is listed as missing in the roster. There is no Pettit or Pettis in company E.
Monday, August 16, 2010
14th Wisconsin Infantry
Killed or Died of Wounds:[2]
Corporal Joseph King (A), Sergeant Charles Drake (B), John Eastwood (B), Thomas Morgan (B), First Lieutenant Joseph D. Post (B), Corporal Gottlieb Staubley (B)[3], Ezra Whittaker, (B)[4], James Alley (C), Nelson P Hammond (C)[5], John B. Glenn (D), John Owens (D), Ezra B. Austin (E), William Baruth (E)[6], Captain Geo. E. Waldo (E), John D. Putnam (F), Lucius Barker (G), Samuel Bump (G), John Moser (G), Ebenezer Newton (G), Daniel D. Hammon (H)[7], Henry Peeler (H), Charles G. Bacon (I), Corporal Frederick A. Cullen (I)[8], Harvey E. Frost (I), Corporal Waterman R. Lisherness (I), Thomas Rayson (I), John J. Rockwood (I), Henry Ross (I), Gottlieb Schlinsog (I), John Begood (K)[9], Charles A. Briar (K) and Corporal Horace D. Lyman (K).
Eddy F Ferris (A)[11], Henry W Durand (A)[12], Alexander Clendenning (A), Edward G Mascroft (A), Horace H Seymour (A)[13], Adam Shidell (A)[14], James B Titus (A), John H Barker (B), Wilson E Higgins (B), John Mack (B)[15], Ezra Whittaker (B)[16], James R Bishop (C), Charles Davies (C)[17], Corporal William Ditty (C)[18], Alonzo E Miller (C)[19], Captain Absalom M Smith (C), Erastus Statler (C), James Statler (C), Solomon Statler (C), George E Stuntz (C), James E Williamson (C), Louis Amiot (D), Alfred Collins (D), Corporal Isaac Gallagher (D)[20], Samuel Guertin (D)[21], Corporal James Harris (D), William Reed (D), William Barrette (E)[22], William Flinn (E), Samuel Gokie (E), Frank Grogan (E)[23], Robert Lee (E), John Lovell (E), Andrew C Tufts (E), Willet C Wheeler (E), Julius C Wintermeyer (E), William Boone (F)[24], Corporal Hudson J Cronk (F), James N Howard (F), John Lawrence (F)[25], John M Leroy (F), Gregory Milquit (F), Samuel Morrison (F)[26], First Sergeant Charles Vincent (F), Henry Westcott (F), Theodore Jorsch (G), John Keef (G), William Mangan (G), Henry Siegrist (G), David Carr (H), George B Clark (H), Peter Cottrill (H), Edward Gilman (H), Spencer A Hamblin (H)[27], Corporal Henry Voss (H), Andrew Winegarden (H), Henry Boss (I)[28], Nathan M Clapp (I), James Currens (I), Henry E Lincoln (I), Harrison Maxon (I), Stanley D Parker (I), George W Reeder (I), George Rutherford (I), William Sternitzky (I), Elisha Stockwell (I), George S Travis (I), Stephen B Wilson (I), Joshephen Wilson (I)[29], Frederick Yonkey (I), Second Lieutenant Martin W Hurlbut (K), Augustus W Curbey (K), Hiram Filkins (K), Anthony Kornale (K), Charles F Learcher (K) and Irvin Underwood (K)[30].
Joseph Garrow (F)[32], Frank Silver (F), and Amos Crippen (H).
[1] This individual casualty report is derived from the Roster of Wisconsin Volunteers, Wisconsin Monument Commission Report and the 1865 Adjutant General’s Report. The pertinent pages of each are; Roster (Vol 1) pp. 770 - 803, Adjutant Report pp. 243-9 and Commission Report pp. 24-7.
[2] Killed and died of wounds list taken from commission report and checked against the roster and adjutant’s report.
[3] Listed as died of wounds in roster but not listed at all in commission report or adjutant’s report.
[4] Listed as wounded and died of disease in roster. Not listed at all in commission report or adjutant’s report. Listed as killed or died of wounds on marker at Shiloh.
[5] Listed as died of wounds in roster but not listed at all in commission report or adjutant’s report.
[6] Listed as died of wounds in roster but not listed at all in commission report or adjutant’s report.
[7] Hammon is listed as died of wounds in commission report and in adjutant’s report. In roster listed as died of disease.
[8] Listed as private in Wood's report. Headstone in Shiloh cemetery says corporal.
[9] Begood is listed as wounded at Vicksburg and dying of those wounds on June 8, 63 at Memphis in roster. Listed as died of wounds in commission report. Listed in adjutant’s report as died of wounds at Memphis on June 8, 62.
[10] Wounded list taken from roster. No mention of wounded made in adjutant’s report or in commission report.
[11] Listed as quarter master sergeant in Wood's report
[12] Listed as sergeant in Wood's report
[13] Listed as wounded in Col Wood's report but in Roster the only remark is that he was wounded on the Red River Expedition (774).
[14] Listed as wounded in Col Wood's report but in Roster the only remark is that he was wounded at Vicksburg (774).
[15] Listed as wounded in Col Wood's report but in Roster the only remark is that he was a corporal and a veteran reenlistment (776).
[16] Not listed as wounded in either of the 2 official reports filed by Col Wood
[17] Listed as Sergeant in Wood's report
[18] Listed as wounded in Col Wood's report but in Roster the only remark is that he was a veteran reenlistment and eventually became a sergeant (779). Also in Wood's report he is listed as a private not a corporal.
[19] Listed as corporal in Wood's report
[20] Listed as sergeant in Wood's report
[21] Listed as corporal in Wood's report
[22] Listed as wounded in Wood's report but does not even appear in Roster for company E.
[23] Listed as wounded in Wood's report but in Roster is listed as dieing of disease on April 25, 1862 at Pittsburg Landing.
[24] Listed as wounded in Wood's report. In the Roster the listing is for William Boon and it says that he deserted Nov 10, 1862 (787).
[25] Listed as sergeant in Wood's report
[26] Listed as wounded in Wood's report but the Roster says that he was killed in action at Corinth on Oct 3, 1862 (789).
[27] Listed as corporal in Wood's report
[28] Listed as wounded in Wood's report but there is no Henry Boss in the Company I roster. There was a Henry Ross of Company I who was wounded and dies of wounds. There also was a Henry Voss in company H that was killed at Shiloh. Not sure if Wood's report mentions Ross or Voss.
[29] Listed as wounded in Wood's report but does not even appear in Roster for company I.
[30] Listed as corporal in Wood's report
[31] Prisoner list taken from roster. No mention of prisoners made in adjutant’s report or in commission report.
[32] Listed as msissing in official report made by Col Wood
Friday, August 13, 2010
14th Missouri Infantry (aka 66th Illinois Infantry)
Daniel Lynch (A)[2], Periander Putnam (A)[3] and Henry B. Foster (C)[4].
Lewis M. Beach (A)[5].
W. W. Bengree (K) [6], William Brandon (K) [7], Thomas Farrell (K[8]), George H. Kyle (K) [9], Henry M. Monterey (K) [10], William Monterey (K[11]), Eli Montgomery (K) [12], and Thomas Morgan (K) [13]
[1] Accessed May 27, 2010. 14th Missouri Infantry was later re-designated 66th Illinois Infantry. Co. A & B from out of state. Co. D from Michigan. Co. G, H & K from Ohio. Co C & I from Illinois. Co F from Missouri and Illinois.
[2] Killed at Shiloh, Apr 6, 1862
[3] Died at St. Louis, Apr 8, 1862; wounds
[4] Killed Shiloh Apr 6, 1862
[5] Disch. Apr 30, 1862; wounds
[6] Deserted Apr 6, 1862
[7] Deserted Apr 6, 1862
[8] Deserted Apr 7, 1862
[9] Deserted Apr 7, 1862
[10] Deserted Apr 1862
[11] Deserted Apr 6, 1862
[12] Deserted Apr 6, 1862
[13] Deserted Apr 8, 1862
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Mississippi in the Civil War: The Home Front

In his latest book Timothy Smith tackles the Mississippi home front during the war. Although several Mississippi battles are mentioned they are only discussed as context for some other topic, this book is not intended to inform about every military engagement in the state during the war. Smith’s intent is to cover the entirety of the Mississippi home front, some aspects of which have never been covered in such depth before.
The first half of the book focuses on the more traditional aspects of Civil War history. Smith starts off with a great chapter on Mississippi’s secession convention and explains how they did much more work than simply removing Mississippi from the Union. The convention then spent much time putting their state on footing as a country, at the time it was not a foregone conclusion that enough states would leave the Union to form a new country. Then they worked to make their state part of the Confederacy. Along the way they took time out to declare the reason they had seceded, firmly stating that it was to protect slavery and not for any other reason.
The next four chapters cover the state’s political system, the military complex that was destroyed, the infrastructure and the economy. These are the more traditional ways of discussing the home front. Smith then follows those with five chapters are areas that have barely been covered in the past. There are chapters on the war’s impact on culture, how women dealt with the war, the experience of blacks transforming from slavery to freedom, the loyal white population and the disloyal white population.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Much of it was new to me as I knew little of the Mississippi home front. One of the things I enjoyed was reading about Governor Charles Clark. Clark was a division commander at Shiloh but leaves that army afterwards and I really hadn't come across much about him. So I was excited to read about his time as governor. He was elected in November 1863 so he only saw a time of disappointment. At one point he made the following speech:
"There may be those who delude themselves with visions of a reconstructed Union and a restored Constitution. If such there be, let them awake from their dreaming! Let the last of our young men die upon the field of battle, and when none are left to wield a blade or uphold a banner, then let our old men, our women and our children, like the remnant of the heroic Pascagoulas, when their braves were slain, join hands together, march into the sea and perish beneath its waters."
So although the war effort was clearly fading quickly in the state he was still trying to do his best to hold it together. I also had to look up Pascagoulas as I've never heard of them before. According to legend, the peace-loving tribe walked single file into the Singing River, now known as the Pascagoula River, because the local Biloxi tribe were planning to attack. Anola, a princess of the Biloxi tribe, was in love with Altama, Chief of the Pascagoula tribe. She was betrothed to a chieftain of her own tribe, but fled with Altama to his people. The spurned and enraged Biloxi chieftain led his Biloxi braves to war against Altama and the neighboring Pascagoula. The Pascagoula swore they would either save the young chieftain and his bride or perish with them. When thrown into battle the Pascagoula were out-numbered and faced with enslavement by the Biloxi tribe or death. With their women and children leading the way, the Pascagoula joined hands and began to chant a song of death as they walked into the river until the last voice was hushed by the dark, engulfing waters. Apparently the Singing River is known throughout the world for its mysterious music. The singing sounds like a swarm of bees in flight and is best heard in late evenings during late summer and autumn. Barely heard at first, the music seems to grow nearer and louder until it sounds as though it comes directly under foot.
Another section I especially enjoyed was the part about the secession convention. They did much more work than simply secede, they had to get Mississippi ready to be its own country (only South Carolina had also seceded at this point, though others quickly joined them). For awhile they really operated more as the legislature as they created various boards to oversee a variety of essential tasks that would hopefully help Mississippi achieve its independence. Once it was clear that there would be a Confederacy these boards would work with the new nation to achieve those goals. They also took the time to explain that the cause of their secession was slavery.
Smith also does a great job explaining the complicated nature of Unionism in the state. Although it was the second state to secede there was quite a bit on Unionism. Some opposed secession on all grounds. Some opposed it until the new Lincoln administration proved it would not compromise on slavery. Some opposed it on practical grounds because they could see that war and/or separation would mean decreased business on the Mississippi River and a wide variety of Mississippians depended on the river trade for their livelihood, from business men to large plantation owners situated along the banks of the river.
In discussing the book with Smith I was pleased to learn that he has recently submitted a manuscript on Corinth. I look forward to that book as not much has been written about Corinth previously. I'll surely review that book too when it comes out.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
21st Missouri Infantry
21st Missouri Infantry[1]
Henry Rausch (A), Burrell Burton (B), John Pettibone (B), Samuel D. Simerl (B), Frederick Reisonburg (C), David P. Hendricks (D), Hugh Shirley (D), John Brown (E), Michel Conlen (E), Thomas W. Hayes (E), George Free (F), Gerrit J. Stegeman (F), Harlan Waddel (F), Columbus G. Dabney (G), Andrew J. Seals (G), Suster Burnes (H), Thomas Cotton (H), John Dell Jr. (H), George Johnston (H), Stephen Sage (H), Joseph R. Selby (H), and Robert B. Kennedy (I).
Sylvanus Decker (D), William Marcus (D), Aquilla Barnes (E), John J. White (E), Edgar Cronk (F), William Scott (F), Barney Freeman (F), John Watts (G), John L. Alexander (H), Adison Barnes (H), Henry Bertrum (H), Lewis W. Biff (H), Thos. B. Brown (H), and Sen. William Morris (I).
Osburn Cooley (A), Lucius Hoadley (B), John Alexandra (C), Moses W. Burke (D), Joshua B. Dale (D), James Faha (D), James Hobbs (D), Edward Keever (D), William H. Matlock (D), Rueben Mauck (D), John B. Sexton (D), John Tacket (D)[2], Michael Ward (D), James L. White (D), Robert L. Briggs (F), Christopher Benning (F), August Benning (F), John Comstock (F), James M. Lewis (H), George Wilson (H), Noah E. Lane (I), Benjamin McHenry (I), and Henry Rugh (I).
[1] Accessed March 30, 2002
[2] Died of disease 6 August 1862 at Macon, GA as POW.
Monday, August 9, 2010
25th Missouri Infantry
Colonel Everett Peabody (acting brigade commander), Major James E. Powell, First Lieutenant S.M. Penfield (?), Second Lieutenant John J. Bramble (?), Corporal Cyrus Munger (F), Lewis Sutter (A), Sergeant W.B. Gregory (A), Matthews Euler (B), J. Ruff (B), William Shannon (C), William Freeman (C), John Perry (C), J. Sprinkle (C), James McElroy (D), W.A. Vaught (D), Louis Roark (D), John Schultz (D), Murray Willard (D), George Chapman (E), H.A. Lockard (E), Solomon Tice (E), M. Randolph (E), Henry Griswold (F), William James (F), William D. Baker (F), Patrick Madden (G), James Wallace (G), George Daffin (H), D.W. Bender (H), E.W. Lenderson (I) and John Sears (K).
Captain F.C. Nickols (?), Captain C.A. Wade (?)[2], Captain George B. Hoge (?), Captain George K. Donnelly (?), Assistant Surgeon Bray (?), First Lieutenant Nat Shurleff (?), First Lieutenant O.P. Newberry (?), First Lieutenant W.H.P. Norris (?), Second Lieutenant Fritz Klinger (?), A.U. Boyd (A), Sergeant Samuel Gamble (A)[3], William Gerrold (A), John Hawkins (A), A. Harness (A), George Staub (A), J.T. Willis (A), P. Collmer (B), Philip Maag (B), Joseph Reiter (B), Sergeant Joseph Wiehl (B), Corporal Williams (B), Corporal Thomas Allen (C), H. Avery (C), Corporal George Case (C), Sergeant Charles Duval (C), George Mason (C), Sergeant Josiah W. Robinson (C), R.F. Winn (C), John Anderson (D), J.C. Cross (D), Sergeant Timothy Darby (D), John Duncan (D), Thomas Talbot (D), B.F. West (D), James Claywell (F), Corporal James Cornell (F), Corporal Peter Gillan (F), James Hawkins (F), James Lenor (F), Ralph Savage (F), Sergeant James Schofield (F), John Brennan (G), Hugh Conner (G), A. Andrews (H), Corporal Henry Blagg (H), William Broils (H), O. Vandenhoof (H), Henry Adams (I), Corporal Henry Carlisle (I), Isaac Goodbrake (I), W.T. Laswell (I), W.J. Splawn (I) and Corporal Daniel Stillians (K).
Surgeon John T. Berghoff, Chaplain L.R. Pace, Sergeant John Larimer (A), Robert Loung (A), John Owens (A)[4], William Unkerfer (A), Louis Banman (B), Jacob Usltschi (B), Charles Miller (B), George Weibert (B), William Atkins (C), Cyrus Barnes (C), Hugh Cassidy (C), Sergeant Clymo (C), M.M. Griffin (C), R. Kelly (C), F.M. Little (C), R. Millsap (C), J. Rouse (C), M. Rouse (C), Valentine Segler (C), William Turner (C), William H. Bowlin (D), Wilson Harrison (D), Joseph S. Mulkey (D), Isaac A. Parnell (D), John Weakly (D), P. Alembaugh (E), George Banker (E), William Hawkins (E), J. Pollock (E), Lafayette Baker (F), Michael Fon (F), William Greer Sr. (F), William Greer Jr. (F), William Kennedy (F),Marcus Levoor (F), Daniel Munson (F), George W. Rice (F), John Smith (F), Thomas B. Smith (F), William Beck (G), John Fitzgerald (G), Lawrence Gilchrist (G), A.J. Halleran (G), Robert Hammon (G), Jeremiah Kennedy (G), Daniel Shanby (G), Philip Bender (H), James Billings (H), Pryor Carroll (H), John A. Carter (H), J. Kelsay (H), James Maswell (H), Isaac Simms (H), Joseph Tracy (H), J.K. Waggoner (H), A. Whitton (H), Corporal John G. Black (I), George W. Poor (I), Captain G.H. Rumvaugh (K) and Sergeant Augustus Saltzman (K).
[1] Reports of Officers in Relation to a Recent Battle at Pittsburg Landing. Millwood, NY: Kraus Reprint, 1977. Originally published as U.S. 37th Congress, 2nd session, 1861-1862. Senate. Executive Documents Printed by Order of the Senate of the United States for the Second Session of the Thirty-Seventh Congress, 1861-62. 6 vols. Washington D.C., 1861. pp 162-3
[2] also prisoner
[3] also missing
[4] also wounded
Friday, August 6, 2010
23th Missouri Infantry
Colonel Jacob T. Tindall, Adam Crouse (A), James A. Scott (B), William Parr (B), Orderly Sergeant Richard S. Smith (B)[2], Corporal Owen C. Smith (B), Thomas R. Kirk (B), John Ames Swopes (C)[3], William R. Baker (D), Thomas Dallas (D), Pryor S. Evans (D), Lewis Hohn (D), Henry Holloway (D), James Allen (D)[4], George Coop (D)[5], James K. Allen (E), Riley Roberts (E), James W. Hayes (F), First Sergeant William Hooker (F), John McCanon (F)[6], Corporal James Parish (F), Sergeant James G. Follard (F)[7], Sergeant Robert Glidewell (G)[8], Francis Higgins (G), Ira G. Weaver (G), David C. Naylor (G), William H. Clark (G), Benjamin T. Grisby (H), Paris Hudson (H), Wagoner Thomas M. Blakely.
John Philips (A), Robert Britton (A), John R. Trusdale (A), Jacob T. Eaton (A),
Richard T. Smith (B), John Lomax (B), John Evis (B), Acy Arrowsmith (B), Richard T. Blue (B), Henry T. Benson (B), James Babb (B), Francis M. Kirk (B), Absalom Reynolds (B), Samuel E. Rooks (B), William T. Sprout (B), Calvin Slover (B), William T. Voris (B), Thomas W. Wisdom (B), Corporal Benjamin C. Eddy (B), Henry Huffman (B),
First Lieutenant John H Muron (C), Daniel W. McKennon (C), Cyrus Shertzer (C), Charles R. Stewart (C), Edward Cooper (C), Enos Ogden (C), Sergeant George Irvin Roberts (C), Captain W.P. Robinson (D), Joseph H. Restine (D), Samuel J. More (D), Daniel Grover (D), Henry Puffenborger (D), Harrison Hanley (E), William Heath (E), William Lowe (E), William J. Watkins (E), John Tushing Rupe (E), John W. Chapman (F), William Hawkins (F), Robert Glidwell (G), Abraham Garll (G), Felding Lewis (G), Sergeant William Henry Lewis (G), George Dungan (G), William B. Lyons (G), John M. Anderson (G), Thomas Crampton (G), Hiram R. Clark (G), John Dennis (G), William F. Hicks (G), Reuben McCollum (G), Mitchell Stufflebean (G), Francis Wishow (G), Andrew Hatfield (H), William R. Hendrix (H), Adam Bower (I), Marion O’Neil (I), Samuel B. King (I), John Miles (I), Franklin Dowd (I), Captain Richard H. Brown (H), Lenard S. Oster (H), Francis Lewis (H), John W.W. Smart (H), Richard Harding (H), Peter T. Fields (H), William Golber (H), John Philips (H), Joseph Webber (H), and John W. Anderson (K).
Major John McCollough, Milton H. Buchanan (F or A), Samuel Henry Hedrix (C or K), John Becket Hooker (F or C), John Shannon Crouse (A), Lieutenant Renzin A. Debolt (A), Orderly Sergeant Thomas W. McCallister (A), James T. Davis (B), Corporal Joseph Ketcham Dillon (B)[10], John J. Fitzgerald (B), Hiram Morris (B), William S. Baker (C), James Baldwin (C), Marcus Omar Trussell (C), Corporal Reuban Dale (D), Henry Marsh (D), Sergeant Samuel J. Moore (D), Allen M.C.D. Morgan (D), Andrew Jackson Stinson (D), Thomas Brown (E), William E. Burris Jr. (E), George W. Chapman (E), Lewis Cummins (E), Charles Franklin Daniel (E), John Gideon Daniel (E), Thomas Jackson (E), William Alfred Daniel (E), R. Gray (E), Second Lieutenant John J. Harper (E), C. Howry (E), William Lear (E), Sergeant John A. Martin (E), Jacob E. Miller (E), Mathew Millspaw (E), Thomas Murphy (E), J. Noah (E), J. Parkerson (E), F.M. Rice (E), James VanMeter (E), Wesley V. Vincent (E), Washington Watson (E), Garret N. Anderson (F), John G. Anderson (F), Thomas Auberry (F), First Lieutenant Thomas E. Brauner (F), William Brown (F), William Buchanan (F), Corporal Grandison W. Burt (F), Second Lieutenant Judson N. Camp (F), Isaac Cassity (F), Andrew J. Cotter (F), Sidney Cotter (F), William Ellison Cotter (F), William M. Cotter Jr. (F), Daniel S. Couch (F), Richard W. Crump (F)[11], George Davis (F), Corporal James Washington Gooch (F), Jasper Hoskins (F), Enos H. Hurlbut (F), B.M. Maxey (F), Charles McKay (F), William H. Moore (F), William Ogle (F), William H. Parkey (F), Henry C. Peery (F), James W. Peery (F), Wharton B. Philbert (F), John Phillips (F), Lewis Phillips (F), William F. Reynolds (F), Abraham Ross (F), Hiram A. Sisson (F), William Smith (F), David C. Stone (F), James C. Thompson (F), W Vanbiber (F), John Welch (F), Isaac Welker (F), Martin B. Wright (F), Christopher Asbury Tabler (G), Sergeant Charles Brown (H), John Henry Hoover (H), Jonathon W. Mullen (H), Griffe Vandike (H), Corporal James S. Modrell (I), Abraham F. Walker (I), Joseph H. Washburn (I), F. Albright (K), William Baker (K), Bennett Brock (K)[12], Captain Richard H. Brown (K), Lawson R. Lane (K), John W. Mullins (K) and Jeremiah Murry (K).
[1] Reports of Officers in Relation to a Recent Battle at Pittsburg Landing. Millwood, NY: Kraus Reprint, 1977. Originally published as U.S. 37th Congress, 2nd session, 1861-1862. Senate. Executive Documents Printed by Order of the Senate of the United States for the Second Session of the Thirty-Seventh Congress, 1861-62. 6 vols. Washington D.C., 1861. pp 120-122. Additional information from (rosters page), last accessed March 7, 2002.
[2] Only listed as such on website
[3] Website also lists as died of wounds in Camp Oglethorpe, Macon GA
[4] Only listed as such on website
[5] Only listed as such on website
[6] Only listed as such on website
[7] Only listed as such on website
[8] Only listed as such on website
[9] All missing information is from website.
[10] Died Aug 22, 1862 at Camp Oglethorpe, Macon, GA
[11] Died July 25, 1862 at Macon, GA
[12] Also wounded.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
13th Missouri Infantry
Lieutenant Colonel St. James
Major Anderson, Lieutenant Kesner (B), Lieutenant Delavie (C), Captain O’Cain (E), Lieutenant Moulen (G), Captain Klein (H) and Captain Haile (I). Ajutant and sergeant major also listed as wounded but no names given.
[1] Reports of Officers in Relation to a Recent Battle at Pittsburg Landing. Millwood, NY: Kraus Reprint, 1977. Originally published as U.S. 37th Congress, 2nd session, 1861-1862. Senate. Executive Documents Printed by Order of the Senate of the United States for the Second Session of the Thirty-Seventh Congress, 1861-62. 6 vols. Washington D.C., 1861. p 89
Monday, August 2, 2010
18th Missouri Infantry
18th Missouri Infantry[1]
Adjutant and Acting Assistant Adjutant General Lieutenant William A. Edgar, First Lieutenant John R. Dayton (A), Corporal Leroy Guthrie (A)[2], Corporal Joseph Linscott (A), Rolla Brantner (A)[3], First Sergeant John Downy (B), Sergeant George A. Hinman (B), Corporal James R. Simmons (B), Noah Mullenix (B), John J. Cochrane (B), Simeon Maphet (B), Corporal Berry A. Wood (E)[4], James Carre (E), Alexander E. Sleem (E)[5], Isam Lunsford (E)[6], Captain Eugene W. Godfrey (F), First Lieutenant John B. Shorpe (F), and Joseph A. Menzer (H)[7]
Sergeant John L. Jones (A), Corporal William Green (A), Patrick Gemon (A), Jerome L. Conant (A), Franklin Green (A), Thomas Henson (A), William Cochran (A), Corporal Greenbury Wilson (B), William Vires (B), Thompson Cooly (B), Matthew Morris (B), Samuel Penwell (B), W.T. Wilson (B), Henry S. Wells (B), Lewis Frank (B), J.B. Howe (B), Humphrey Lighton (B), B.B. Campbell (B), William Smith (B), Henry A. Burns (B), Captain Stults (B)[8], First Lieutenant and Acting Adjutant George W. Bywater (C), First Sergeant Thomas McComb (C), Corporal A.B.C. Douglas (C), Corporal Robert Donohoo (C), Daniel Ayler (C), J.L. Davenport (C), George W. Norval (C), James T. Riley (C), J.B. Shipley (C), Isaac F. Shipley (C), William Allen (C), Marshall Mace (C), First Lieutenant Joseph R. Still (D), Corporal Henry Washbun (D), John Centres (D), Andrew J. Alexander (D), Daniel Geoffrey (D), John C. Gray (D), Jesse C. Griffiths (D), Charles Hanel (D), Hezekiah Hickman (D), Pleasant C. Jarman (D), Samuel J. Martz (D), Captain Jacob L. Clark (E)[9], Corporal Noah Wagoner (E), Samuel T. Banner (E), John Kerr (E), Isaac H. Kaiser (E), John M. Loe (E), Samuel P. Moss (E), Gilbert Lafayette Shelton (E)[10], Daniel Morgan Shelton (E), Joseph H. Strouse (E), Joseph Thompson (E), Archibald Wade (E), George W.A. Preston (E), First Sergeant Joseph Darwin (F)[11], Corporal Benjamin F. Wheeler (F), Corporal Henry Haring (F), John Roney (F), William Capps (F), Joseph D. Halleck (F), Ambrose H. Payne (F), Fester Masiner (F)[12], Nelson Dishman (F), Elias Erwin (F), Sergeant Jahill Conn (G), John W Alderman (G), Bryant Flanigan (G), James Knox (G), John Tucker (G), Second Lieutenant Richard F. Fallis (I), Sergeant Hendri Coal (I), Hiram Austin (I), Dwyer J. Olin (I), Daniel Roar (I), Joel Richardson (I), Reuben Waller (I), Captain James A. Price (K), Second Lieutenant O.B. Douglas (K), Third Sergeant Gilbert Kurtz (K), Fifth Corporal Talman Smith (K)[13], Third Corporal Michael Burke (K), William O’Fallon (K), Joseph F. Wilson (K), Elisha Estes (K), Henry C. Jackson (K), John Thomas (K), Lemuel Blankenship (K), and John E. Armstrong (K).
Colonel Madison Miller, Lieutenant Colonel J.V. Pratt, Assistant Surgeon Houts, Captain Joseph Durman (A), Second Lieutenant Oliver H. Dodge (A), Sergeant George D. Earl (A), Sergeant William H. Akers (A), Corporal James W. Wilson (A)[14], Corporal Milton J. Hudson (A)[15], John W. Green (A)[16], George Ewing (A)[17], John M. Morgrare (A), Samuel Frankfort (A), William Reeves (A), John T. Davis (A), Captain H.P. Stults (B)[18], First Lieutenant Daniel Hudson (B), Sergeant J.J. Smith (B), John Frank (B), J.J. Richey (B), John Calison (B), Edward Clear (B), T.B. Scovill (B), Jonathan Watts (B), John Trunnell (B), Brantlay (B), William Judd (B), George Eli (B), M.M. Cochran (B), Willis Slavens (B), Captain W.H. Cooper (C)[19], Second Lieutenant H.W. Godfrey (C), Corporal Wm. R. Jackson (C), James H. Dunnigan (C), Alfred Kirk (C), Dan Kuren (C), Silas Shields (C), D.F. Tunnell (C), Captain George W. Wyckoff (D), Sergeant Richard A. Jeffries (D), Sergeant Silas Haynes (D), John Rigler (D), Daniel F. Clary (D), Samuel J. Earhart (D), William Garringer (D), Charles A. Hackett (D), James Hopper (D), Elijah Johnson (D), Van Buren Johnson (D), John W. Johnson (D), Enoch Mathews (D), William Newman Jr. (D), William H Pronasco (D), Jacob Stewart (D), Wesley Stevenson (D), John F. Sluth (D), Henry Talkins (D), William Thompson (D), Clark Tompkins (D), Henry Worley (D), Second Lieutenant John R. McEfee (E), Corporal James Johnson (E), Andy Thompson (E), Sergeant Joseph W. Brown (F), Sergeant James Kane (F), Sergeant Elias Berry (F), Corporal John Casseldine (F), Jacob Van Meter (F), Samuel Fisk (F), John Anderson (F), Charles Wellington (F), Charles McAfee (F), Mahen Olmstead (F), Second Lieutenant James R. Coddington (G), Corporal William P. Mansfield (G), Sergeant Thomas Walsh (G), Corporal John W. Garriot (G), Thomas Cawood (G), Robert Crawford (G), John R. Clements (G), Willis Dodson (G), William F. Jones (G), William Kidd (G), Esoner Mastuson (G), Edward Roberts (G), John Wagle (G), Captain Peter R. Dolman (H), Second Lieutenant Frederick Partenhamer (H), Sergeant Louis Benecky (H), Louis Byrome (H), Robert Brown (H), Thomas C. Call (H), Frank Engluth (H), Joseph Gross (H), Jacob Hemian (H), Charles G. Hunt (H), E. Hughes (H), R.W. Hunt (H), George Kriser (H), Frederick Korff (H), Henry Meyer (H), R. Moosman (H), Thomas Raick (H), Alex. Roaach (H), Wm. Schmitt (H), Anthony Schweller (H), Michael Scherer (H), Frederick Schwink (H), Peter Schabeck (H), William Wegner (H), Wm. West (H), Isaac West (H), Wm. Beri (H), Wm. Brant (H), Peter Clay (H), Frederick Darking (H), Samuel Hemian (H), Joseph Vonarx (H)[20], Joseph Hinton (H), Captain John P Mikesell (I), First Sergeant Caleb Wells (I), Corporal Lewis B. Korn (I)[21], Corporal John Winholts (I)[22], Hiram Brown (I), Samuel Batty (I), Andrew J. Christ (I), Samuel Garringer (I), William Good (I), Philip Hart (I), Elijah Harmon (I), William Harmon (I), John Sligo (I), George Smith (I), Darius Garble (I), Benjamin Wells (I), First Lieutenant Wm. H. Minter (K), First Sergeant Eugene O. Sullivan (K), Fourth Sergeant Michael Collery (K), Patrick Murphy (K), John McCoy (K), Peter Collins (K), Dennis Ellis (K), Joseph M. Muffley (K), G. Bellew (K), John F. Foster (K) and Henry Arnold (K).
[1] Reports of Officers in Relation to a Recent Battle at Pittsburg Landing. Millwood, NY: Kraus Reprint, 1977. Originally published as U.S. 37th Congress, 2nd session, 1861-1862. Senate. Executive Documents Printed by Order of the Senate of the United States for the Second Session of the Thirty-Seventh Congress, 1861-62. 6 vols. Washington D.C., 1861. pp 125-129. Other notes from Anders, Leslie. The Eighteenth Missouri. (Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill, 1968) pp 47-74.
[2] Not listed in Anders, Eighteenth Missouri.
[3] In Anders, Eighteenth Missouri, listed as wounded.
[4] Not listed in Anders, Eighteenth Missouri.
[5] Not listed in Anders, Eighteenth Missouri.
[6] Not listed in Anders, Eighteenth Missouri.
[7] Not listed in Anders, Eighteenth Missouri.
[8] Only listed in Anders, Eighteenth Missouri.
[9] In Anders, Eighteenth Missouri listed as died of wounds.
[10] In Anders, Eighteenth Missouri listed as died of wounds.
[11] In Anders, Eighteenth Missouri listed as died of wounds.
[12] Anders, Eighteenth Missouri lists a Teeter Masoner as died of wounds, this might be same man.
[13] In Anders, Eighteenth Missouri listed as died of wounds.
[14] In Reports of Officers in Relation to a Recent Battle at Pittsburg also listed as wounded.
[15] In Reports of Officers in Relation to a Recent Battle at Pittsburg also listed as wounded.
[16] In Reports of Officers in Relation to a Recent Battle at Pittsburg also listed as wounded. In Anders, Eighteenth Missouri only listed as wounded.
[17] In Reports of Officers in Relation to a Recent Battle at Pittsburg also listed as wounded.
[18] In Reports of Officers in Relation to a Recent Battle at Pittsburg also listed as wounded.
[19] In Anders, Eighteenth Missouri listed as died of wounds, not as prisoner.
[20] In Anders, Eighteenth Missouri book listed as died of wounds and not listed as prisoner.
[21] In Reports of Officers in Relation to a Recent Battle at Pittsburg also listed as wounded.
[22] In Reports of Officers in Relation to a Recent Battle at Pittsburg also listed as wounded.