Lincolnites and Rebels: A Divided Town in the American Civil War
By Robert Tracy McKenzie
In Lincolnites and Rebels Robert Tracy McKenzie does a good job of explaining the divided loyalties of Knoxville, Tennessee. The typical story of Knoxville and East Tennessee is of a Unionist area surrounded by Confederates. In fact McKenzie shows that Knoxville was more a Confederate town surrounded by Unionist East Tennessee.
McKenzie used a wealth of primary resources to decipher the loyalties of Knoxville individuals. He was fortunate in that both sides occupied Knoxville for significant periods of the war. When either side was in control of the town they kept track of the population’s loyalties through various methods. These methods included such simple things as army enlistments, public statements, loyalty oaths, pardon applications and surveillance. Additionally once the Union regained the town they asked the local populace how various citizens acted under Confederate rule so that no contracts were given to Confederate sympathizers over Unionists.
McKenzie says that he can pinpoint the loyalties of483 adults in 323 households, which was roughly half the population of Knoxville. There probably is not as much data available for any other city in an area of divided loyalties in the Civil War. He went to great efforts to determine if there was any correlation between social status, church membership, economic status or slave ownership and what side an individual would choose. He came to the conclusion that there was no one thing that separated them. In general Unionists tended to be less wealthy and have blue collar jobs while Confederates tended to have more wealth and work in white collar jobs. But McKenzie points out that the average Unionist and the average Confederate were very similar.
The book is divided pretty evenly as roughly a third is spent describing Knoxville during the election season and its actions during the secession crisis. The second third covers its time as a Confederate city, which at times seemed like occupation. In this section the activities of William G. Brownlow and his banishment to Union lines. These first two sections is where McKenzie digs deepest into why someone would side with the Union or the Confederacy. The last third of the book covers Union occupation and the Reconstruction period, although this mainly deals with events through 1866. This third section is where McKenzie also describes the 1863 Knoxville campaign. I would have liked a more thorough examination of the campaign than the 15 pages he devoted to it but the campaign was not his focus, the town was and those 15 pages fit in well with the rest of the book.
This book ably fills the gap in our understanding of Knoxville in the war. It was a divided town in a divided area of the Confederacy. It leaned more to the Confederate side than the surrounding area but it was still divided. The division was pronounced enough that the town was essentially occupied by one side or the other for the entire war.
The focus of posts will be my Civil War travels with a healthy dose of Shiloh related research.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
32nd Indiana
32d Infantry
Commanded by Col. August Willich.
This regiment arrived on the battlefield at 10 a.m, April 7, 1862; was ordered to the front by Maj. Gen. Grant. It formed on this line about 12 m., when the regiment repulsed an assault by the enemy. During the day this regiment made several charges upon the enemy, driving him back. Casualties--killed, 2 officers and 8 men; wounded, 4 officers and 82 men; total, 96.
39th Indiana
39th Infantry
Commanded by Col. Thomas J. Harrison.
This regiment arrived on the battlefield at 10.30 a.m., Monday, April 7, 1862. At 12 m. regiment moved in line of battle under a galling fire, driving the enemy a quarter of a mile. It then fell back 150 yards to this position, where it was engaged until 2 p.m. Regiment again advanced under fire, driving the enemy from his last position, capturing 15 prisoners. Casualties--killed, 1 officer and 1 man; wounded, 1 officer and 33 men; total, 36.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
49th Ohio
15th Ohio
Commanded by Major William Wallace
On back of monument:
This regiment arrived upon the field at 11 a.m., April 7, 1862, and became engaged here about noon. It advanced fighting to Sherman's headquarters at 3 p.m. Its loss was 7 men killed; 1 officer and 65 men wounded; 2 men missing; total, 75.
Monday, July 28, 2008
30th Indiana
30th Infantry
Commanded by Col. Sion S. Bass, (Mortally wounded)
Lieut. Col. Joseph B. Dodge.
Maj. Orin Hurd.
This regiment arrived on the battlefield Monday, April 7, 1862, at 6 a.m.; went to the front and right center of army. At 10 a.m. was in line in reserve on the right of Gen. Rousseau's brigade; advanced and formed on this line about 12 m. It was furiously assaulted by the enemy for two hours, when the enemy gave way in retreat. Here Col. Bass fell mortally wounded. Casualties--killed, 12 men; wounded, 6 officers and 109 men; missing, 2 men; total, 129.
29th Indiana
29th Infantry
Commanded by Lieut. Col. David M. Dunn.
This regiment arrived on battlefield at 6.30 a.m., April 7, 1862. It went to the front and center of the army, where it was held in reserve. It formed on this line about 12 m., and was heavily assailed by the enemy for two hours, when the enemy retired. Casualties--killed, 4 men; wounded, 4 officers and 72 men; total, 80.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
34th Illinois
34th Infantry
Commanded by
1. Major Chas. N. Levanway, Killed.
2. Capt. H. W. Bristol.
This regiment reached Pittsburg Landing at 5 a.m., April 7, 1862, formed line on the Corinth road near Hurlbut's head- quarters, advanced to the edge of this field where it relieved Rousseau about 11.50 a.m. Then it again advanced to this point and charged through and beyond the pond. Its loss in the battle was 1 officer and 14 men killed; 7 officers and 105 men wounded; total, 127 .
Saturday, July 26, 2008
6th Indiana
6th Infantry
Commanded by Col. Thomas T. Crittenden.
This regiment arrived on the battlefield at 6 a.m, April 7, 1862. At 8 a.m. advanced under the fire of a battery of artillery. Occupied this position from 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Enemy gave way; regiment followed until late in the day. Casualties--killed, 4; wounded, 36; missing 2; total, 42.
1st Ohio
Commanded by Colonel Benjamin F. Smith
On back of monument:
This regiment was engaged here about 10 a.m., April 7, 1862. Its loss was 2 men killed; 2 officers and 45 men wounded; 1 man missing; total, 50.
This monument is in the northern part of Duncan Field. The second picture shows the view from behind the monument.
Friday, July 25, 2008
McCook's Division
Second Division - Brigadier General Alexander McD. McCook (OR Report)
Fourth Brigade - Brigadier General Lovell H. Rousseau (OR Report)
15th U.S. Infantry., First Battalion (OR Report)
16th U.S. Infantry, First Battalion (OR Report)
19th U.S. Infantry, First Battalion (OR Report)
1st Ohio
6th Indiana (OR Report)
5th Kentucky
Fifth Brigade - Colonel Edward N. Kirk (wounded)
77th Pennsylvania
29th Indiana
30th Indiana
34th Illinois
Sixth Brigade - Colonel William H. Gibson (OR Report)
15th Ohio (OR Report)
49th Ohio (OR Report)
32d Indiana (OR Report)
39th Indiana (OR Report)

Fourth Brigade - Brigadier General Lovell H. Rousseau (OR Report)
15th U.S. Infantry., First Battalion (OR Report)
16th U.S. Infantry, First Battalion (OR Report)
19th U.S. Infantry, First Battalion (OR Report)
1st Ohio
6th Indiana (OR Report)
5th Kentucky
Fifth Brigade - Colonel Edward N. Kirk (wounded)
77th Pennsylvania
29th Indiana
30th Indiana
34th Illinois
Sixth Brigade - Colonel William H. Gibson (OR Report)
15th Ohio (OR Report)
49th Ohio (OR Report)
32d Indiana (OR Report)
39th Indiana (OR Report)
There will not be individual posts for brigades as there are no brigade monuments. Instead I will simply do posts for the regiments that have monuments.
From Reed's history of the battle:
The advance of this division, Rousseau's brigade, reached Pittsburg Landing Monday morning, April 7, 1862, and took its place in line of battle at 8 a.m. on Crittenden's right. Kirk's brigade formed in rear of Rousseau. These brigades were joined by Gibson's about noon. The advance of the division was along the Corinth road to the Water Oaks Pond, where it was engaged at noon. Its last engagement was at Sherman's headquarters, from which point the Confederates retired from the field. Terrell's battery belonging to this division was engaged on Nelson's left until 2 p.m., when it moved toward the right and engaged a battery in McCook's front.




Thursday, July 24, 2008
My Wedding
I thought I'd share a few pics of the happy day with all of you. Consider it a brief blip in the radar of Civil War posts. I have to thank Angie for these wonderful pictures, she is an incredible photographer and a good friend.
Just us goofing around.

From left to right: Cheyenne, Tessa, Annie, Erin, Jess, me, Mike, Matt, Stephen and Kyle. Cheyenne and Tessa are the daughters of Jess's youngest brother (who is older than Jess). Annie is Jess' younger sisiter. Erin is her best friend. Mike and Matt are real good buddies who've been with me on many Civil War excursions. Stephen is Mike's oldest son (and a real good guy who I think might start joining us on our trips in the future). Kyle is the son of Jess' oldest brother.

Some candid moments before the ceremony. We took pictures in a park before hand so that we could get plenty of pictures and not be rushed in the small time frame between the ceremony and the reception.

The beautiful bride about to be given away.

It was brutally hot at the alter that day. That window behind us really poured the afternoon son on us. The AC could have been set lower but it still would have been hot.

Our first dance. I limped around the floor as best I could. I'm not a good dancer. Actually calling me a dancer of any sort is an insult to dancers. But I struggled out there more than a few times and ended up dancing with most of the women in my life.

Us listening to Mike give his toast.
Just us goofing around.
From left to right: Cheyenne, Tessa, Annie, Erin, Jess, me, Mike, Matt, Stephen and Kyle. Cheyenne and Tessa are the daughters of Jess's youngest brother (who is older than Jess). Annie is Jess' younger sisiter. Erin is her best friend. Mike and Matt are real good buddies who've been with me on many Civil War excursions. Stephen is Mike's oldest son (and a real good guy who I think might start joining us on our trips in the future). Kyle is the son of Jess' oldest brother.
Some candid moments before the ceremony. We took pictures in a park before hand so that we could get plenty of pictures and not be rushed in the small time frame between the ceremony and the reception.
The beautiful bride about to be given away.
It was brutally hot at the alter that day. That window behind us really poured the afternoon son on us. The AC could have been set lower but it still would have been hot.
Our first dance. I limped around the floor as best I could. I'm not a good dancer. Actually calling me a dancer of any sort is an insult to dancers. But I struggled out there more than a few times and ended up dancing with most of the women in my life.
Us listening to Mike give his toast.
15th Iowa
On back of monument:
Iowa 15th Regiment Infantry Volunteers,
Commanded by Col. Hugh T. Reid, (Wounded).
This regiment arrived at Pittsburg Landing on the morning of April 6, 1862. It disembarked, formed on the bluff, and there received its first ammunition. It remained in this position about an hour, when under the orders of General Grant, and conducted by one of his staff officers, it marched to join McClernand's (1st) Division. It entered the field to the right of this monument near Oglesby's headquarters and while crossing it was fired upon by artillery and musketry. It formed line of battle and advanced under fire into the woods. Its colonel commanding officially reported that the regiment held its position from 10 o'clock in the forenoon until 12 o'clock noon, and then under orders retired to a new line. Portions of the regiment fought with other divisions later in the day and on Monday. Present for duty 760. Its loss was 2 officers and 19 men killed; 7 officers and 149 men wounded; 2 officers and 6 men captured or missing; total 185.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
16th Iowa
Iowa 16th Regiment Infantry Volunteers,
Commanded by Col. Alexander Chambers, (Wounded),
Lieut. Col. Add. H. Sanders.
This regiment early in the morning of April 6, 1862, formed on the bluff at Pittsburg Landing and for the first time received ammunition. It remained in this position an hour, when by orders of General Grant it marched with the 15th Iowa to the support of McClernand's (1st) Division. It entered the field near Oglesby's headquarters and while passing over it was fired upon by artillery and musketry. Its Colonel commanding officially reported that the regiment formed line of battle here about 10.30 in the forenoon, and advancing to the edge of timber held that position for an hour or more, and then retired under orders. Later in the day under command of Lieutenant Colonel Sanders it supported Schwartz's battery. On Monday it was on the reserve line. Present for duty 785. Its loss was 2 officers and 15 men killed; 11 officers and 90 men wounded; 13 men captured or missing; total, 131.
61st Illinois
61st Infantry, Commanded by Col. Jacob Fry.
Formed in line of battle about 8.00 a.m., April 6, 1862, advanced through the open field in front and engaged the enemy a short time, then fell back to this line and held it more than one hour, when the regiment retired to south side of Corinth road. Its loss in the battle was 12 men killed; 3 officers and 42 men wounded; 18 men missing; total, 75.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Miller's Brigade
This brigade had three regiments in camp - a fourth assigned and reported but not yet in camp. The regiments were encamped between the Eastern Corinth road and Locust Grove in the following order from left to right: Eighteenth Wisconsin, Sixty-first Illinois, Eighteenth Missouri. The Sixteenth Iowa arrived at the Landing on Saturday, April 5, 1862. The colonel reported for duty and handed in his morning report, so that his regiment is included in Miller's report of present for duty. Not being fully equipped, the regiment did not go to camp, but remained at Landing; on Sunday it, with Fifteenth Iowa, was, by order of General Grant, held for a time near the Landing to stop stragglers, and then sent to reinforce McClernand at his fifth line, where they were engaged and lost heavily. The Eighteenth Wisconsin arrived on the field on Saturday afternoon and went at once into camp, but did not get into the morning report of that day and are not included in Miller's present for duty. The brigade was formed for battle Sunday morning at 6 o'clock 300 yards in front of its camp, at south side of Spain Field, where it was attacked by Gladden and Chalmers at 8 a.m. and was driven back into camp, and at 9 a.m. was compelled to abandon its camp. Parts of the Eighteenth Wisconsin and Eighteenth Missouri, about 300 men, formed with Prentiss at his third position and remained with him until captured at 5:30 p.m. the Sixty-first Illinois passed beyond or through Hurlbut's line and was in reserve behind that division all day Sunday, except about an hour when it relieved another regiment in front line.
The above is from Reed's history of the battle. I do not have an official report for this brigade. I have one horrible grainy picture of Miller that I was going to use and then through google I found this one taken of an exhibit at Wilson's Creek.

Peabody's Brigade
This brigade of four regiments was encamped on west side of Eastern Corinth road, about one-half mile south of Hamburg and Purdy road, in the following order from left to right: Sixteenth Wisconsin, Twenty-first Missouri, Twelfth Michigan, Twenty-fifth Missouri. Three companies of the Twenty-fifth Missouri under its major, Powell, were sent out at 3 a.m. April 6, 1862, to reconnoiter. Moving southwest from camp, Powell passed between the Rhea and Seay fields and into the main Corinth road, where one of Sherman's picket posts was stationed. Beyond the picket, and near the southwest corner of Fraley field, he encountered Confederate pickets, and was fired upon at 4:55 a.m. After an engagement of over an hour, Powell fell back before the advance of Wood's brigade to the Seay Field, where he was reinforced by Colonel Moore with his regiment, the Twenty-first Missouri, and four companies of the Sixteenth Wisconsin. Colonel Moore took command, but was soon severely wounded, and Captain Saxe, Sixteenth Wisconsin, was killed. Lieutenant Colonel Woodyard, Twenty-first Missouri, assumed command, and was engaged about one hour, when he fell back to Rhea Field, where he was net by Colonel Peabody and the remainder of the brigade. Peabody held the Confederates in check until 8 a.m., when he fell back to his camp. Here he was attacked by the brigade of Shaver and the right of Wood's brigade. Peabody was killed and the brigade forced to abandon its camp at 9 a.m. The brigade organization was broken up, a part retiring through McClernand's lines and about 200 of the Twenty-first Missouri and 100 of the Twelfth Michigan joining Prentiss at his third position, where they were surrounded and most of them captured at 5:30 p.m. Sunday afternoon.

The above is from Reed's history of the battle. Since Peabody died early in the battle his sucessor, David Moore, was left to write the official report. Click here to read Moore's report. I have included pictures of Peabody and Moore.


Monday, July 21, 2008
Prentiss's Division
First Brigade - Col. Everett Peabody (killed) (OR Report by Moore)
21st Missouri (OR Report)
25th Missouri (OR Report)
16th Wisconsin (OR Report)
12th Michigan
Second Brigade - Col. Madison Miller (captured)
18th Missouri
61st Illinois
16th Iowa (OR Report)
Not Brigaded
18th Wisconsin
23d Missouri (OR Report)
15th Iowa (OR Report)

On the 26th day of March, 1862, General Grant, by Special Order No. 26, assigned General Prentiss to the command of unattached troops then arriving at Pittsburg Landing, with directions to organize these regiments, as they arrive upon the field, into brigades, and the brigades into a division, to be designated the Sixth Division.Under this order one brigade of four regiments, commanded by Colonel Peabody, had been organized and was encamped on west side of the Eastern Corinth road, 400 yards south of the Barnes Field. Another brigade, commanded by Colonel Miller, Eighteenth Missouri, was partially organized. Three regiments had reported and were in camp on the east side of the Eastern Corinth road. Other regiments on their way up the river had been ordered to report to General Prentiss, but had not arrived. The Sixteenth Iowa arrived on the field on the 5th and sent its morning report to General Prentiss in time to have it included in his report of present for duty that day; it was not fully equipped and did not disembark from the boat until morning of the 6th. The Fifteenth Iowa and Twenty-third Missouri arrived at the Landing Sunday morning, April 6, 1862. The Twenty-third Missouri reported to General Prentiss at his third position about 9:30 a.m., and was placed in line at once as part of his command. The Fifteenth and Sixteenth Iowa were, by General Grant's order, sent to the right to reinforce McClernand. They reported to him at his fifth line in Jones Field, and were hotly engaged from about 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Hickenlooper's Fifth Ohio Battery and Munch's First Minnesota Battery and two battalions of Eleventh Illinois Cavalry had been assigned to the division and were encamped in rear of the infantry. One company from each regiment was on picket 1 mile in front of the camps. On Saturday, April 5, a reconnoitering party under Colonel Moore, Twenty-first Missouri, was sent out to the front. Colonel Moore reported Confederate cavalry and some evidences of an infantry force in front, but failed to develop a regular line of the enemy. Prentiss doubled his pickets, and at 3 a.m. Sunday sent out another party of three companies of the Twenty-fifth Missouri, under Major Powell, to reconnoiter well to the front. This party encountered the Confederate picket under Major Hardcastle in Fraley's field at 4:55 a.m. These pickets at once engaged, and continued their fire until about 6:30 a.m., when the advance of the main line of Hardee's corps drove Powell back. General Prentiss, hearing the firing, formed his division at 6 a.m. and sent Peabody's brigade in advance of his camp to relieve the retiring pickets and posted Miller's brigade 300 yards in front of his camp, with batteries in the field at right and left of the Eastern Corinth road. In this position the division was attacked at 8 a.m. by the brigades of Gladden, Shaver, Chalmers, and Wood and driven back to its camp where the contest was renewed. At 9 a.m. Prentiss was compelled to abandon his camp and fall back to his third position, which he occupied at 9:05 a.m., in an old road between the divisions of Hurlbut and W. H. L. Wallace. Hickenlooper lost two guns in first position and Munch had two disabled. Each brought four guns into line at the Hornets' Nest. Prentiss was here joined by the Twenty-third Missouri, which gave him about 1,000 men at his third position. With this force he held his line against the attacks of Shaver, Stephens, and Gibson, as described in account of Tuttle's brigade, until 4 p.m. when Hurlbut fell back and Prentiss was obliged to swing his division back at right angles to Tuttle in order to protect the left flank. When Tuttle's left regiments marched to the rear Prentiss fell back behind them towards the Corinth road and was surrounded and captured at 5:30 p.m. near the forks of the Eastern Corinth road. Hickenlooper and Munch withdrew just before they were surrounded, Hickenlooper reporting to Sherman and becoming engaged in the 4:30 action on Hamburg road. Munch's battery reported to Colonel Webster and was in position at mouth of Dill Branch, where it assisted in repelling last attack Sunday night.
The above is from Reed's history of the battle.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
This Friday I am getting married. I fancy myself a fairly good writer but I cannot piece together the words to describe how much I love Jess. As such you will find no flowery writing here professing my enduring love (although that is true). Instead I would simply like to thank her for bringing happiness and love into my life. I know she hates when she's mentioned in the blog or her pictures appear here, but for this occasion I have been given a little leeway. There will be no Battlefield Wanderings for awhile. I am taking some time off for the honeymoon. I will resume postings sometime during the week of July 21st. During this hiatus please tell the people close to you how much they mean to you. My life was certainly been enriched by having Jess in it, and it bugs her for me to say that every day, but there is not a day that I'm not grateful for having her in my life.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Iowa state monument
On front of monument:
This monument is erected by the State of Iowa in commemoration of the loyalty, patriotism and bravery of her sons who, on this battlefield of Shiloh on the 6th and 7th days of April, A.D. 1862, fought to perpetuate the sacred Union of the states.
On back of monument:
Regiments engaged:
2d Infantry, Lt. Col. James Baker,
3d Infantry, Maj. W. M. Stone,
6th Infantry, Capt. J. W. Williams,
7th Infantry, Lt. Col. J. C. Parrott.
8th Infantry, Col. J. L. Geddes.
11th Infantry, Lt. Col. William Hall.
12th Infantry, Col. J. J. Woods.
13th Infantry, Col. M. M. Crocker.
14th Infantry, Col. W. T. Shaw.
15th Infantry, Col. H. T. Reid.
16th Infantry, Col. Alex. Chambers.
Iowa soldiers commanding Brigades:
1st Brig., 1st Div., Col. A. M. Hare, 11th Iowa, (Wounded). Col. M. M. Crocker, 13th Iowa.
1st Brig., 2d Div., Col. J. M. Tuttle, 2d Iowa.
1st Brig., 4th Div., Col. N. G. Williams, 3d Iowa, (Wounded).
3d Brig., 4th Div., Brig. Gen. J. G. Lauman.
1st Brig., 5th Div., Col. J. A. McDowell, 6th Iowa.
Left (east) side of monument, above the bronze figure of "Fame":
Brave of the brave, the twice five thousand men
Who all that day stood in the battle's shock,
Fame holds them dear, and with immortal pen
Inscribes their names on the enduring rock.
Right (west) side of monument:
"The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here."
On shield and ribbon at top of monument:
E Pluribus Unum
In the bronze wreath of oak and laurel:
Iowa in memory of Shiloh
I've never heard a good reason for why the dress of "Fame" has slipped off her shoulder enough to expose her nipple. I've wondered if this is why the Wisconsin monument commissioners told their sculptor that "the figure of Victory should be imposing and chaste, and her face should express tenderness and solicitude." (my emphasis)
Monday, July 7, 2008
72nd Ohio
Commanded by Lt. Col. Herman Canfield (Killed)
On back of monument:
This regiment was engaged here from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m., April 6, 1862. It had present for duty, officers and men 647. Its loss was 2 officers and 13 men killed; 3 officers and 70 men wounded; 45 men missing; total, 133.
70th Ohio
Sunday, July 6, 2008
48th Ohio
48th Ohio Infantry
Commanded by Col. Peter J. Sullivan (Wounded)
Lt. Col. Job R. Parker
On back of monument:
This regiment was engaged here from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m., April 6, 1862. Its loss was 1 officer and 11 men killed; 3 officers and 70 men wounded; 2 officers and 16 men missing; total, 103.
This is another great example of the individuality of the Ohio monuments at Shiloh.
Buckland's Brigade
This brigade was encamped with its left at Shiloh Church in the following order from left to right: Seventieth Ohio, Forty-eighth Ohio, Seventy-second Ohio. It formed for battle Sunday morning, April 6, 1862, about 200 yards in front of its camps, where it withstood the attacks of Cleburne, Anderson, and Johnson until 10 a.m. Its right flank was then threatened by Pond and Trabue and it was ordered to fall back to the Purdy road, where its formation was broken by teams and the fleeing mass moving toward the river. The colonel of the Seventieth Ohio with a portion of his regiment joined the Third Brigade of McClernand's division and fell back with it to Jones Field, where it joined McDowell's brigade and was engaged with it until 1 p.m., when it retired to the Hamburg road. The adjutant and forty men of the Seventieth joined the Eleventh Illinois and fought with it until night. The Forty-eighth and Seventy-second, after a short engagement with the enemy, retired to Hamburg and Savannah road, where Colonel Buckland reorganized his brigade and was engaged in the 4:30 p.m. affair, after which the Forty-eighth retired to the river for ammunition, where it supported a battery in the last engagement of the day, and spent the night in line near the log house, the Seventieth and Seventy-second passing the night in bivouac near McArthur's headquarters. On Monday the brigade was reunited, and, with Stuart's brigade formed Sherman's line that advanced to the right of McClernand's camps, thence southwesterly along the front of said camps to Shiloh Church, where the brigade reoccupied their camps at about 4 p.m.
The above is from Reed's history of the battle. You can read Buckland's official report here.
The above is from Reed's history of the battle. You can read Buckland's official report here.

Saturday, July 5, 2008
57th Ohio
77th Ohio
Commanded by Lt. Col. Wills De Hass
Maj. Benjamin D. Fearing
On back of monument:
This regiment was engaged here from 7 a.m. to 9.30 a.m., April 6, 1862. On the 8th it joined in pursuit of the enemy and was engaged in fight near Mickey's. Its loss on 6th, 7th, and 8th was 1 officer and 50 men killed; 7 officers and 109 men wounded; 3 officers and 48 men missing; total, 218.
A few years ago I purchased two swords that were carried by a member of the 77th Ohio. The only problem is that I am not positive of the member of the unit. All I'm sure of is that they were carried by a Burris. In the 77th Ohio there were two Burris' that were officers, William W. Burris who was a First Lieutenant and Marion N. Burris (also in records as Marion M. Burris) who served as Adjutant and was a Second Lieutenant.
Friday, July 4, 2008
53rd Ohio
53rd Ohio Infantry
Commanded by Col. J. J. Appler
Lt. Col. Robt. A. Fulton
On back of monument:
This regiment formed here at 8 a.m., April 6, 1862, but soon fell back across the ravine in the rear. Its loss was 9 men killed; 1 officer and 32 men wounded; 2 men missing; total, 44.
This is the regiment that had such a disgraceful showing at Shiloh. Basically the colonel ordered the regiment to save itself a few times, eventually they did and only portions of the regiment fought. Appler would exit the army soon after his sad showing here.
Hildebrand's Brigade
This brigade was encamped with its right, the Seventy-seventh Ohio, at Shiloh Church; its left, the Fifty-third Ohio, near the Rhea House and separated from the Fifty-seventh Ohio by a small stream with marshy margins. About 7 a.m. April 6, 1862, the brigade to meet the attack of the enemy, the Fifty-seventh and Seventy-seventh in advance of their camps in the valley of Shiloh Branch. The Fifty-third, being threatened by an attack in left flank, formed its line perpendicular to the left of its camp. While in position the brigade was attacked from the front by Cleburne's and Wood's brigades. This attack, falling upon the exposed flank of the Fifty-third, compelled it to change front to the rear on left company and form a mew line in rear of its camp. Attacked in this position, the regiment fell back disorganized, passing to the rear around the flank of the Forty-ninth Illinois, eight companies going to the Landing at once, two companies under the adjutant, E. C. Dawes, joining the Seventeenth Illinois. The eight companies were reformed near the Landing by the major and supported Bouton's battery in McClernand's seventh line, and on Monday advanced with Marsh's command. The Fifty-seventh and Seventy-seventh were reinforced by Raith's brigade of the First Division and held their position for some time, when they, too, fell back disorganized and were not again in line as regiments. Colonel Hildebrand acted as aid for General McClernand during Sunday.
The above is from Reed's history of the battle. Hildebrand left no official report and I cannot currently find a picture of him.
The above is from Reed's history of the battle. Hildebrand left no official report and I cannot currently find a picture of him.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
71st Ohio
Commanded by Col. Rodney Mason
On back of monument:
This regiment formed line of battle here at 11 a.m., April 6, 1862, but was soon driven back to the ravine in the rear. Lt. Col. Barton S. Kyle was killed while attempting to rally the regiment. Its loss was 1 officer and 13 men killed; 44 men wounded; 1 officer and 50 men missing; total, 109.
54th Ohio
54th Ohio Infantry (Zouaves)
Commanded by Col. T. Kilby Smith
Lt. Col. Jas. A. Farden
On back of monument:
This regiment, with six of its companies at this place and four companies 300 yards to the left, defended the position, on extreme left of Union army, from 11.30 a.m. to 2 p.m., April 6, 1862. Its loss was 2 officers and 23 men killed; 5 officers and 128 men wounded; 32 men missing; total, 190. Killed
Co. A. Ezra J. Latham, Nahum Chesley, William Holcomb ,Louis Stirtz
Co. B. Franklin B. Adams, James M. Castleman, Francis V. Hale, Henry King, Allen H. Lowe
Co. C. 2d Lt. George DeCharm, Thomas N. Dowden, Fergus Mitchell, John Caplin, Jason Randall Co. D. William H.H. Shockey, John E. Lusk, Joseph McTaggart, William Northup
Co. E. James Potter
Co. F. Capt. Peter Bertram, Edward Moon, Samuel Carl, Frank Oberinger
Co. G. Albert Black, John Ferguson
This is one of my favorite regimental monuments because it depicts a Zouave soldier. Of the four states (Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Ohio) that have monuments for every regiment they had at the battle Ohio is the only one that did a different style for each monument. Some are similar but they are not nearly as identical as the other three states did.
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