Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Civil War News: Round Table Review

Last night my mail included the September issue of Civil War News. As a book reviewer for them I'm always excited to see the new issue. Yesterday though I knew that the Round Table Review column by Matthew Borowick would focus on the Rocky Mountain Civil War Round Table. Its a great story, a very large one too. We're on page 10.

The column focuses on our annual study group, which is a great project we do. I'm always excited for the next study. We haven't decided what is next and I'm already excited to do that study and make the field trip. Last time I missed the field trip, the first time we've been doing it that I missed the trip.

Borowick also included a section on the upcoming symposium, which was nice of him to include since it was outside of the main focus of his article.

1 comment:

  1. I saw that article and enjoyed it very much, especially after having found your blog very recently. My buddy and I have been making battlefield trekking trips for several years now, but always on a very low budget. We prepare ourselves as best we can, and always enjoy the pleasant surprises from each trip. Your projects sound like just the kind of thing we'd enjoy doing some time in the future. Hope to see you on the field some day! - Dylan
